Is Renewable Energy Right For My Home?
It is no secret that our planet is suffering from climate change caused by burning fossil fuels like gas, oil and coal. When these are burnt CO2 is released into the atmosphere which ultimately heats up our planet. Did you know that the energy industry stands at number one among the greenhouse gas emitters? By changing the ways we heat our homes we can make a real difference in protecting our world.
So what renewable energy efficiency measures are out there available to ensure your home is warm and eco friendly?
To begin, you must always ensure that your home is properly insulated. No matter how much you heat up your home, if your house is poorly insulated the heat could be escaping through the walls, rooftop and floors, whilst also draining your wallet with high energy bills. Once your home is well insulated and is draught proofed you need to consult with industry specialists that will identify the best renewable energy solution for your home.
If you are already using electricity to keep you home warm, solar panels could be the right fit for you. Solar power is a free source of energy. Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity for your home. To get the best out of the panels they can either be fixed on the ground, onto a roof or sometimes hung from a wall, preferably facing south west. In some cases you can use solar panels to heat your water, which will also require space for a hot water cylinder.
Ground source and air source heat pumps are also a great green alternative to your traditional home heating system. By extracting the heat from the air, they transfer air to the heating and hot water circuits in your house. The great thing is that this process is possible even in -15 degree weather. However you will need some outdoor space to place the heat pump unit on the external wall.

Similar to air source heat pump, ground source heat pump absorb the heat from the ground that is then used to heat your home and hot water. You will require outdoor space, ideally a spacious garden where you can fit a pipe loop in the ground and a heat pump unit. Both air and ground source heat pump resemble an air conditioning unit and are visible from the outside, so you may need to ensure that your local planning authority grants permission for the installation.
While these energy saving measures are quite costly to install, we are offering energy saving grants to vulnerable households. There are many ways you can qualify, so why not apply today and see what home efficiency grant you could be eligible for.